Take action with us at the Healthy California for All Commission meetings!

The Healthy California for All Commission was created by Governor Newsom with the task of examining how a universal health care system would work in California. Now in the second year of a pandemic, the commission is still beating around the bush and not going all in on what we all know is the only solution to our state’s health care crisis: single payer. We need to hold the commission accountable.

Let’s remind them why single-payer health care is the only real solution. The commission will be meeting monthly for the remainder of 2021 until the beginning of 2022. We need your help to show up and make public comments in support of single-payer guaranteed health care (AB 1400). 

We will be holding occasional prep meetings and will have talking points available for each commission meeting. Sign up to receive email updates.

We must take action, hold the Commission accountable, and remind them that their priority must be the people of California.