CVS Art Contest

CVS Health has been trying to brand itself as a company that cares about its customers' health, and can be trusted with increasing aspects of our health care. But we know that if they really cared about patients more than profits, they wouldn’t be working to block Medicare for All by donating $5 million to the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future, the biggest dark-money lobbying group fighting health care reform.

It’s time for us to flip the narrative. Let’s rebrand CVS in the image that we see: a corporate behemoth that only cares about one thing: profits. They are the largest health care corporation in the world that only wants to get bigger.

We invite you to submit your visual art creations (suitable for a postcard or poster) utilizing the CVS Health logo to speak to the message of our campaign and to our core demand: that CVS immediately cut ties with the Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future. Use CVS’s own branding against them by flipping it to fit our narrative. By submitting your work, you agree to have it printed on a postcard and/or poster, and featured in a public online album, on social media, and/or on our website.

NNU will award one grand prize of $1000 and four prizes of $500 to 5 selected artists for works to be used in future campaign events, postcards, emails, literature, and/or for reproduction. NNU will not use any submitted work on anything that will be sold. Selected artists may be asked to do a short video interview to explain the significance of their art. Submit your work by Friday, April 1st at 11:59pm PT. Email us at if you have any questions.

How to flip CVS’s own branding against them:

In this art contest we’re looking for the most creative ways to use CVS’s own branding against them to fit our narrative. Here are some examples of how to do that:

➜ CVS’s motto is: “Bringing our heart to every moment of your health™” You could turn this into:

  • “Bringing our heartlessness to every moment of your health”
  • “Bringing our greed to every moment of your sickness”
  • “Breaking your heart in every moment of ill health”

CVS stands for “Consumer Value Store.” You could turn this into:

  • Corporate Vulture Store
  • Corporation Vs Society
  • Cashing in on the Very Sick
  • Cash for Vulture Shareholders

Other Suggested Themes:


  • Keep the message high road
  • No profanities or violence
  • No personal or negative attacks on individuals
  • Suggested Phrases: Patients Over Profits, Medicare for All, Health Care Justice, Single Payer Guaranteed Health Care, Health Care is a Human Right

Submission Format:

  • Upload a file no bigger than 50 mb
  • Use any commonly used image file (pdf, png, jpeg, etc)
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